Ninite – update (almost) everything in one shot

 Still sitting at your computer updating one application at a time, chained to your desk perpetually hitting the “next” button until the next prompt?  Unchecking boxes so bloatware doesn’t sneak into your installations?  Screw that – take control of your updates with ninite.  Ninite installs multiple applications at once, with some very important caveats:

1. It is unattended

2. It does not install any additional bloatware

3. It does not require you to go to more than one website to accomplish either 1 or 2.

It’s simple: head to and choose the apps you want, download the installer and save to desktop or run from browser.  It walks you through what it’s doing with each installer and gives you the most up to date software for whatever you picked.

You can even save the file, and double-click it later on to update your software without having to pick them again.  How easy is that?


As an IT guy, this helps tremendously; any tool I can use that can automate my day and gives me more time to do other stuff is great.  Now I can get back to facebook creeping people.



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