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Redragon K530 Draconic - Here we are with a 60% keyboard. This time, this even smaller K530 model. As for that true-typing experience I was chasing, I’m certainly experiencing more of that. Read on for my thoughts for the K530 Dragonic. Using the K530 […]
Redragon K599 Deimos - I’ve never tried a 75% keyboard before. And my original thoughts were that I wanted a True-typing experience. I certainly got that, and little more. Read on for my thoughts on the Redragon K599 Deimos mechanical keyboard. 70 keys, n-rollover […]
Redragon K582 Surara - The OG keyboard in the house. The first mechanical I purchased, and by far the most utilized tool in my arsenal. This is the board that got me into the wide world of mechanical switches, and has reliably served me […]
The search for the perfect keyboard - This title might sound a little misleading. Actually, it’s not. It’s exactly like it sounds. I’ve been on the prowl for a good keyboard that sates a few of my minutia. I’m not a writer or coder. I do enjoy […]
Test-NetConnection uses - Here’s a handy way to use the cmdlet test-netconnection: Need to check a continuous connection to an end-point? Use the while loop: for the -InformationLevel, you can leave it out, or just use either detailed or quiet
Using Powershell to Pull API Information - Up until recently, I was familiar with the idea of client pulling down information from a database. A database requires updates, patching, and maintenance. Usually, I’d be the one doing all that care and feeding, additional to taking proper care […]
Azure – resetting a password for a Domain Controller VM - I came across a situation the other day. In my Azure Tenant, I have a VM, a domain controller that hosts, well… my domain. I only use it for testing, most recently I was doing some SSPR testing. I only […]- Azure – Import users into cloud via CSV file - There’s a few different methods to import users into your Azure tenant. In the Azure Active Directory Portal -> Users -> Bulk Operations -> Bulk create Or you can use a little powershell This will focus on the powershell […]
Synology DS420+ review - Review of the Synology DS420+
How to: Configure a DNS-323 (ALT-F firmware) as an Rsync Target - The last firmware released for the DNS323 was back in 2013. That was quite a while ago, and it wasn’t great. It lacked SMB2, ssh out of the box, and no development of popular applications. I tried Alt-F on a […]
PowerShell – Adding Proxy Addresses by CSV - This is going to be a little different. As per usual, we need to follow our regular set of steps when dealing with a large amount of data that needs validation. 2. Edit the CSV with the proxy email addresses […]
PowerShell – Changing Departments for Multiple AD Users - Hostile takeover? All employees of a department being reassigned? We won’t go into ‘how to disable way lots of employees because your upper management said ‘because we told you”. So, we’ll go into changing departments for the entire company. There’s […]
PowerShell – Change passwords on multiple AD accounts - If you’re like me, you built a new AD for testing. And if you’re also like me, you imported a whole bunch of users into your AD. Some of those users likely had passwords that didn’t quite meet the domain […]
PowerShell – Move AD users via CSV file - This is part of my ‘Finding all Disabled users in AD’ from an earlier post. The backstory is, I used some powershell to import about 1100 dummy users into a newly created AD. Out of 1100 users, 300+ became disabled […]
PowerShell – Finding all Disabled users in AD - Need to find all the disabled users in your AD? it’s odd that the built in AD Tools do not have this option. PowerShell to the rescue! All these commands are documented in the Microsoft Get-ADUser cmdlet. I’ve added some […]
PowerShell – Importing AD users from CSV - What are the situations you’ll need lots of Dummy AD data? When you want to run some awesomely crafted PowerShell AD scripts, that’s where. I was in a situation a few months ago where I needed replicate a VERY large […]- Creating your first Powershell GUI – Part 3 - Getting caught up? In this post, I’ll be adding some error checking in the form of a function. In a late article, I may revisit this and re-write some of these functions to clean up the code. For now, we’ll […]
- Creating your first Powershell GUI – Part 2 - Already seen this part? Check out Part 1, Part 2, and Part3 In part 1, we covered the very basics. A one-line Get-ADUser query, a simple form with one button and output textbox. In this entry, we’ll add more functionality […]
- Creating your first Powershell GUI – Part 1 - Create your first Powershell GUI, Part 1: the Basics with simple tools and built in Windows 10 functionality
Ubuntu – Add Google 2FA for SSH - The Setup Host: Ubuntu 18.04 “Bionic Beaver” releaseSoftware: Google Chrome Original article found on linuxbabe Super handy, and secure way to ssh into your Linux Box at home. This uses the Android Google Authenticator for the QR code, generated right […]
Ubuntu Chrome Remote Desktop configuration - The Setup Host: Ubuntu 18.04 “Bionic Beaver” releaseSoftware: Google Chrome I thought this was weird: I couldn’t actually download the Chrome browser. Couldn’t do it from firefox (the Ubuntu default), or chromium (the open-source O.G Chrome package). I thought that […]
Oracle VirtualBox – Configure Guest-VM network to communicate with Host network - This is going to focus on configuring an Oracle Virtualbox VM to do a few things:-make it so the host, and local host network can see, ping, remote and use fileshares to the Oracle Box guest VM-Enable the Oracle box […]
GPO enable VSS in Win 7 - Volume Shadow copy has saved my butt on file, exchange, and SQL servers. Typically, IT departments discourage previous versions on desktops mainly because it opens up issues with disk space and if it’s really worth saving or rescuing an MP3 […]
GPO add corporate picture to your AD logon account - Group Policy to set default Windows 7 Account pictures.
Disable .exe’s from running inside any user %appdata% directory – GPO - The Cryptolocker virus out there in the wild and I’ve seen it happen on a few computers and it’s certainly not pretty. The details are sorrid, but in a nutshell what happens is a crytolocker virus gets onto your computer, […]- Editing Office 2013 installs via Group Policy - With the new Office getting pushed out, I was running into problems with PST files, namely I didn’t want them in my environment cluttering things up and causing a ruckus on local computers. After a bit of research I found […]
- How to get Green ticks on Google Drive back - I’ve been using Google Drive to sync files for some time now, because it’s great having 15GB of storage sitting in the cloud that I can access anytime. I’m not here to point out the merits of having a google account that needlessly […]
- Handy App of the Day: SearchMyFiles - The other day I was tasked with finding all the duplicates in a large network share. Large as in: 2TB worth of company data. The previous IT company wasn’t so good at house cleaning so I was given the assignment […]
- Configuring NPS on Server 2012 with Cisco WLC: Part 2 - In part 1 of this tutorial, I stepped through configuration of the Cisco Equipment and configuration of the Network Policy Server with Certificate. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to tie it all up in Group Policy. This tutorial […]
- Configuring NPS on Server 2012 with Cisco WLC: Part 1 - This How-to article is meant to configure Windows Server 2012 Network Policy Server, Certificate Authority with a Cisco WLC 2504 series (with Software version As specific as that list is, much of what Cisco offers with older IOS versions still holds true. […]
- Microsoft KB2670838 the EVIL update - When patching desktops in particular, this update in some instances kills all Aeroglass ability and Windows Desktop Experience management. I first noticed this on my personal Windows 7 64 bit laptop with a 2GB Nividia card, the Aeroglass wouldn’t work […]
- Ninite – update (almost) everything in one shot - Ninite updates all your Windows/ Linux and Macintosh apps with a few clicks and only ONE visit to a website.
- Handy App of the day: Space Sniffer - SpaceSniifer - handy Freeware App of the day
- How to: turn a DLink DNS-323 into a Rsync backup location - Configuring the DNS323 as an Rsync Backup location for the Synology DSM series NAS device
- Synology DS413J review - Review of the Synology DS413J
- Windows 7 Wireless and Wired connections priority - Change Windows 7 wired and wireless connection priority
- Exchange 2010 SP2 Automapping issue - There’s a slight bug with the Exchange 2010 server, in that it automatically remaps any shared mailboxes you’ve used when the client is either Outlook 2007 or 2010. If you’re mapped a mailbox in the past, an automapping feature kicks […]
- Exchange 2010 – get list of disconnected mailboxes immediately - Once a mailbox is disabled from the Exchange 2010 console, it shows up in the disconnected mailboxes after the nightly maintenance. Sometimes however, a company can change it’s mind at the last minute and decide to either hire someone back […]
- How to: get multiple Remote Desktop Connections - Multiple Remote desktop sessions in one
- Excel 2007: “Too many different cell formats” error message - excel 2007 too many different cell formats
- Getting around RDC protocol - Getting around the RDC protocol with the 2XClient
- How to: Be a freeware champion - Some of the best freeware sites available on the world wide web
- How to: Save your contacts in Outlook - Save your contacts into Outlook
- How to: locate product numbers and serial numbers on HP and Dell computers - find the serial and product numbers of Dell and HP computers and servers
- How to: Check your .Net Framework version on Windows 7 - .Net Framework was easy to spot in the older versions of Windows XP, if you went and checked your ‘Add or Remove Programs’ section of control panel you’d see it plain as day: As Windows matured, the .NET Framework became […]
- My love letter to Drobo - Drobo woes
- How to: uninstall Trend Micro OfficeScan [locally] - uninstalling the Trend Micro OfficeScan client when you've lost the password
- How to: Add Ctrl+Alt+Del to your Windows 7 Computer - How to put a CTRL+ALT+DEL on any version of Windows 7
- How to: Export Android phone contacts to Microsoft Outlook - How to: Export Android phone contacts to Microsoft Outlook
- How to: Export Text from Any Screen - How to: Export text from any Windows Screen
- How to: Check your Google Search History - How to find all your google searches since you signed up for a google account
- Internet Explorer: not as terrible as you might think - Internet Explorer has come long way since version 6, the super buggy security nightmare. Being a free browser it wasn’t considered edgy or avante garde enough for most IT geeks tastes. Most of you probably made the jump to Mozilla Firefox and […]
- Expectations for your IT guy - things everyone expects the IT to know
- Google Chrome – millions of .sst files! - google chrome's release goes crazy on hard disk space and .sst files
- RIM: more than a funny acronym - RIM's in trouble, and can't get out of the red. Can the once giant company pull itself out of the hole by creating something new and innovating? Given it's track record, probably not.
- A love letter to Winamp - Winamp - it [still] really whips the Llama's ass
- OS X versus Vista - Did you ever wonder why choosing an operating system seems to be like choosing the right religion? There are pros and cons to each, there’s a certain amount of work required for each, and each one has their own selling […]
- 6 Things Microsoft has done to make my life hell - Windows Live One Care Thanks a bunch to the DIY IT guy at the office. You know who I’m talking about, the guy in charge of the IT stuff, but he was just put into that role because contracting a […]